Your Child’s Learning Journey
Our Approach
At Pre-School we believe that children learn best through play. We enhance the children’s individual learning by enabling the environments with positive role modelling and following the children’s interests to support learning and development.
We use an online learning journey called Tapestry to capture some of the children’s experiences. As you can imagine Pre-School is a very busy place to be with lots of fun activities going on. From messy play, cooking, writing, reading, dancing, games and preparing children for school, there’s so much for children to do, learn and take in. Tapestry enhances this special time, helping our Pre-School practitioners and parents share those moments.
This unique journal is shared online with you as parents as well as Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents (if requested), etc. All these people are able to see special moments and view your child’s progress. These special moments are accessed through their own secure password which is set up by Pre-School once we have gained permission. Parents and relatives can upload photographs and videos through the Tapestry App on phones and computers, allowing us to share experiences with one another inside and outside of the setting. Every entry helps to create a complete story of a child’s time in and out of Pre-School. Not only is Tapestry great for observing your child and sharing with you their experiences and learning at Pre-School. This allows you to have regular feedback on your child’s learning.
Our Curriculum is built up from the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework 2021 (EYFS), We use our strong knowledge of child development to support all children in their learning and development.
The headings of the areas of the EYFS learning objectives which allow us to assess children’s development and evaluate observations are: Prime areas
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
Specific areas
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design